Are You Receiving Maximum SEO Credit?
While you always receive full search engine optimization (SEO) credit for all Leadfusion solutions integrated into your website or other searchable digital properties, your implementation strategy may be preventing you from achieving higher SEO scores. Higher scores improve organic search traffic, supplement paid search advertising, increase brand credibility in the digital domain, and help to establish your FI’s digital channel as a destination resource for consumers seeking a financial product.
You can maximize the impact of our CUSTOMERfirst platform through good contextual placement on your site. For example, placing a subset of popular interactive tools on related product pages will provide more SEO benefit than linking to them in an education or resource center. This is because search engines consider the context when performing a ranking. In addition to tool placement, use of CUSTOMERfirst traffic drivers and keyword-rich educational content will all contribute to better context and therefore improved SEO scoring.
As part of your current service, our Leadfusion professional services team will assess your current implementation and provide simple and immediately actionable recommendations on how to maximize your SEO score. Contact us at or 1.877.205.9825 to schedule a consultation.